Sq ft per bird


11 Years
Jun 3, 2008
Bolton, CT
I have 16 square feet in my coop. That means I can have a max of 8 birds right? One of them is a very, very small Antwerp Quail by the way. I also have three next boxes, three roosts and a very large run.

ok, i'd max out at 8 with one of them being the tiny bantie. They aren't inside much anyway and I plan to build them an extension for winter when they will have to be in more often.

Thanks for your answers.
Eight birds need 32 sq. ft. Banties usually count as half a bird. You might get by with 8 but only if they go outside every day. The 4 sq. ft. per bird is considered minimum when cooped up. Cold winters may not allow them to go out on some days. Good Luck

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