Squawking Chick


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2022
New chicken owners here! Our chicks are growing up well, and it’s time to get them out to their coop. They really should have gone last week but we had some bitterly cold nights plus we wanted to work on fortifying the coop.

The question I want to ask is why are the chicks crying at night? More specifically, our Australorp squawks very loudly in the evening before we encourage bedtime and in the “playtime” prior (we let them out to jump on us and stretch their wings). She cries like a puppy whose owners just left. Tonight my husband picked her up and checked her over, no blood or missing feathers. He then started rubbing between her wings and she started to settle. Then he gently rested his hand on her back while she was perched on his other arm. She quieted right down and gave some happy little peeps. She was good after we put everyone back, gave their evening mealworm snack, but once we went upstairs, she started to cry again. Is it just because space is very limited and she wants more? Are the other birds picking on her (we haven’t witnessed it being targeted to her. They all jump around and land on each other)? What should we do? Eventually they do settle down and go to sleep (we have a little camera to watch them) so it’s not like they hate each other.
She's imprinted, just let her be, she'll be fine.
But why would she cry even when we are down there playing with her? Plus, we got her at a few days old, if chicks imprint on the first moving object, it wouldn’t have been us, would have been someone at the hatchery I’m sure.
But why would she cry even when we are down there playing with her? Plus, we got her at a few days old, if chicks imprint on the first moving object, it wouldn’t have been us, would have been someone at the hatchery I’m sure.
They don't imprint on the first moving things or hatchery employees. She needs to get used to her own kind. She'll be fine, leave her alone.

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