st. John Valley Cereal


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Nova Scotia
hello... just got 6 of 9 chickens to come out of their coop for the first time... they're three weeks old. I have this grain cereal that I don't like: it has cracked wheat, cracked rye and flax seed.... is that ok to give the chicks to scratch out on the ground? thanks (I really don't like it... it tastes like bird seed to me so I thought they might like it.. and I'd not like to waste it if they'll eat it).
that's what I was hoping but where I read that scratch stuff heats them up and shouldn't be feed in the summer I just wanted to make sure this combo was ok... glad that it is!! I think it's awful tasting but hopefully the chicks will enjoy scratching for it in their run.

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