stagered hatches in a cabinet incubator(Mine is a Dickie)


15 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Cedartown Georgia
Does the humidity swings effect the hatch of your other eggs not ready to hatch if you use the hatcher in the cabinet? Does that make since?
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The same or lower, Maybe someone who does dry hatches will jump in and offer their advice I have not tried the dry hatch myself. Do a search for dry hatching see if anything comes up.
my humidity has been staying around 50%.If I leave it alone at hatch do you think the other eggs will be safe and the ones hatching will do ok?
i do staggered hatches in the Dickey. i don't think the humidity swings affect the other hatches. so far, so good.

to bring the humidity up, i wet paper towel with hot water and lay it on top of the hatching tray cover.

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