I was in the feed store the other day, and asked about food grade DE (diatomaceous earth). The nice clerk said they had Stall Dry which is DE and clay in tiny pellets. I said that is not the same and he said it will work. Dubious, but willing to try it for under $8, I bought a bag. I sprinkle it every week or two on the wood shavings and my wet, poopy shavings have turned dry and sem to last forever (well I am going on a month with a very thin layer!). The flies are almost gone and I have barely used any of the 42 pounds of stall dry. I also sprinkle a tiny bit in the goat shed and there are no flies and the poop dries out pretty quickly.
I was cleaning the coop every third week and the goat shed every week, but now there seems no need! I sweep out the goat shed out of habit, but the coop flooring is just a dry mix of shavings. This stuff rocks!
I was cleaning the coop every third week and the goat shed every week, but now there seems no need! I sweep out the goat shed out of habit, but the coop flooring is just a dry mix of shavings. This stuff rocks!