Hi! I've been reading your forums for awhile now, and my long-awaited chicks will be here next week! We thought we would be in our new home on our property in the country by this time but this economy set us back a bit. Hopefully by the fall, we will be able to build that dream coop I made the plans for. In the meantime...I have these 4 standards (Orpington, Wyandotte, Cochin & Easter Egger) and 5 bantams (2 Silkies, Barred Plymouth, Easter Egger and Brahma) on the way.
Because of our housing setback, I'm thinking that maybe I should find another home for a couple of the girls. I don't think it will be hard, but I worry about the standard/bantam relationship if I have say 2 bantams and 3 (or 4?) standards left. Is there a chance that they can indeed live harmoniously together? I thought with the 5 bantams there would be enough of a crowd that they wouldn't be picked on by the bigger girls, but now if I lose a couple little ones, will there be a bigger chance that there could be a problem?
I'm pretty excited as well as scared silly about picking up the girls. I've read about all the wonderful moments but the problems that can arise are pretty nerve-wracking. I want to keep them all! It took me a long time to figure out who to order and until the last couple of weeks really thought I was on track with all the details worked out.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Because of our housing setback, I'm thinking that maybe I should find another home for a couple of the girls. I don't think it will be hard, but I worry about the standard/bantam relationship if I have say 2 bantams and 3 (or 4?) standards left. Is there a chance that they can indeed live harmoniously together? I thought with the 5 bantams there would be enough of a crowd that they wouldn't be picked on by the bigger girls, but now if I lose a couple little ones, will there be a bigger chance that there could be a problem?
I'm pretty excited as well as scared silly about picking up the girls. I've read about all the wonderful moments but the problems that can arise are pretty nerve-wracking. I want to keep them all! It took me a long time to figure out who to order and until the last couple of weeks really thought I was on track with all the details worked out.
Thanks for any suggestions.