Still gathering Muscovy info(domestic,northern living Muscovy anyhoo)


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
Am trying to get info about these critters so I can decide if a family of Muscovys at OSU Mirror lake(it is actually a less than 1/2 acre shallow pond surrounded by sidewalk that students like to pee into,so I am told) need help.Male has injured wing(extent--I dont kno) as does 1 of the 4 almost grown ducklings. There is also a Muscovy ma. There is a regular Pekin and a crested Pekin that I WILL remove when given the occassion soon. Majestic Water Fowl was a suggestion and they just responded with info that male muscovy that live north(withOUT protection) suffer frequent frostbite(SHOULD have occurred to me) so thats another reason to remove them. This is a public(on campus) waterbody and the people enjoying the waterfowl are, more often than not ,very waterfowl ignorant. So THEY can be a problem when I am going to TRY to get the Pekin out. Have a as yet unreturned call into Pres. Gordon Gees office. Secratary just suggested that fowl weren't osu property(which I already figured) and Ohio widlife center?Capital Area Humane Society sugg. calling his office. Let me add these ducks don't fly and I THINK this will be their 2nd. winter on this sludgpond. I have NO problem with wild ducks making a mess/begging mercilessly here but seeing the domestic ducks do it breaks my heart.
Am trying to get info about these critters so I can decide if a family of Muscovys at OSU Mirror lake(it is actually a less than 1/2 acre shallow pond surrounded by sidewalk that students like to pee into,so I am told) need help.Male has injured wing(extent--I dont kno) as does 1 of the 4 almost grown ducklings. There is also a Muscovy ma. There is a regular Pekin and a crested Pekin that I WILL remove when given the occassion soon. Majestic Water Fowl was a suggestion and they just responded with info that male muscovy that live north(withOUT protection) suffer frequent frostbite(SHOULD have occurred to me) so thats another reason to remove them. This is a public(on campus) waterbody and the people enjoying the waterfowl are, more often than not ,very waterfowl ignorant. So THEY can be a problem when I am going to TRY to get the Pekin out. Have a as yet unreturned call into Pres. Gordon Gees office. Secratary just suggested that fowl weren't osu property(which I already figured) and Ohio widlife center?Capital Area Humane Society sugg. calling his office. Let me add these ducks don't fly and I THINK this will be their 2nd. winter on this sludgpond. I have NO problem with wild ducks making a mess/begging mercilessly here but seeing the domestic ducks do it breaks my heart.
Is there a time of day when there wouldn't be much traffic around the lake so you and your son could get these ducks with out much notice. And have you wondered how these ducks could be injured? people can be so cruel. Take lots of bread [being as they probably get fed it alot and would most likely come running if they saw you had some and might be easier to catch.
also large net like the use for fishing. When i got the drakes from the river I set up a dog X pen at the water edge and left the side to the water open put food at the back so they had to walk into the pen as soon as they started gobbling up the food I closed the section of the pen that was open, lifted each duck out put into a dog crate brought home. your going to need help.
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Hi Miss Lydia-I have picked a slow day(break week)and my son is terrified of trouble with people so I WILL have to back down if there is anyone confronting us. But I will try to take it further up, then. I am backing off of the Muscovy family for a bit and will see if I can get help with them. There was a group of Muscovies removed to another more secluded OSU pond a few yrs. back and I have no idea how THAT turned out. The OSU/michigan traditional jump in the lake was last night(tuesday) and I can't imagin where the poor ducks hid for that. They showed the ducks earlier in the day asking for handouts and the Pekin was TRYING to jump up to the concrete walk but couldn't. There is a beach like area on the west side of "lake" I believe. I am actually taking some dry cat food as they seem receptive to ANY food thrown at them. Have the net. Have small animal carriers. Will have to park a good distance away though. Supposed to rain that day so I guess thats a good thing(keep humans away).
Hi Miss Lydia-I have picked a slow day(break week)and my son is terrified of trouble with people so I WILL have to back down if there is anyone confronting us. But I will try to take it further up, then. I am backing off of the Muscovy family for a bit and will see if I can get help with them. There was a group of Muscovies removed to another more secluded OSU pond a few yrs. back and I have no idea how THAT turned out. The OSU/michigan traditional jump in the lake was last night(tuesday) and I can't imagin where the poor ducks hid for that. They showed the ducks earlier in the day asking for handouts and the Pekin was TRYING to jump up to the concrete walk but couldn't. There is a beach like area on the west side of "lake" I believe. I am actually taking some dry cat food as they seem receptive to ANY food thrown at them. Have the net. Have small animal carriers. Will have to park a good distance away though. Supposed to rain that day so I guess thats a good thing(keep humans away).
Keep us updated sounds like a solid plan, and about Muscovies, they are very sweet birds, you'll want to wear gloves though when catching them if you decide to because of their claws. The 3 drakes I brought home had belonged to someone [as most Scovies you see in parks and ponds at one time belonged to someone just like the pekins] and they settled right in after a time. Hoping it goes as smooth as possible for you both,.
Its Black Friday and did NOT get any ducks this a.m. Next plan is to go B4 sun-up(soon) and attempt, while they r still hungry, to at least get the Muscovy drake with odd wing. There was a guy there that my son recognized as a regular duck feeder and I spoke with him and he was OK with me taking ALL domestic ducks. Had only 1 group glare at me and I smiled huge and looked at them and continued. The juvinile muscovy with "injured" wing is gone. The guy that feeds regular says its a genetic deformity that the father passed on to the youngun but I have no knowledge of such stuff. I can't take good pics. If we fail at getting the 2 pekins our next plan is to wait til Mirror lake freezes and I will walk out and we can cow-boy them. It is only 4 feet deep so freezes fairly quick compared to an actual lake. Theres another domestic duck but I am going to have to go research next to identify it.
Its Black Friday and did NOT get any ducks this a.m. Next plan is to go B4 sun-up(soon) and attempt, while they r still hungry, to at least get the Muscovy drake with odd wing. There was a guy there that my son recognized as a regular duck feeder and I spoke with him and he was OK with me taking ALL domestic ducks. Had only 1 group glare at me and I smiled huge and looked at them and continued. The juvinile muscovy with "injured" wing is gone. The guy that feeds regular says its a genetic deformity that the father passed on to the youngun but I have no knowledge of such stuff. I can't take good pics. If we fail at getting the 2 pekins our next plan is to wait til Mirror lake freezes and I will walk out and we can cow-boy them. It is only 4 feet deep so freezes fairly quick compared to an actual lake. Theres another domestic duck but I am going to have to go research next to identify it.
Wishing you all the best in your attempts to rescue these ducks, I wonder if the drake and duckling have angel wing which is a nutrient diff. Could be since they probably don't get fed good quality feed.
TY Miss Lydia. I managed to look up angel wing and it looks identical to pics I found. Will assume so.More info for arguing my case if need be. Even if I DO manage to remove the domestic flock. My mind is going to NEXT spring tho when more dumby heads will dump and I can't save the world but have to find a way to get humans to understand and raise heck if they see someone dump domestics.And I realize the "dumpers" are frequently ignorant and don't realize its unkind so...ANYHOO-angel wing.
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TY Miss Lydia. I managed to look up angel wing and it looks identical to pics I found. Will assume so.More info for arguing my case if need be. Even if I DO manage to remove the domestic flock. My mind is going to NEXT spring tho when more dumby heads will dump and I can't save the world but have to find a way to get humans to understand and raise heck if they see someone dump domestics.And I realize the "dumpers" are frequently ignorant and don't realize its unkind so...ANYHOO-angel wing.
Your right you can't save them all but if you manage to save some will help alot.
Questioned by campus cop at 6:30 am while ALMOST to my truck w/duckling I had gotten. only 2 ducklings left out of 4(and thats OK w/me if someone is going to eat the taken 2 as long as they take excellent care until slaughter) and the Muscovy drake has angel wing and IS lame also. Have another call to Pres. Gee's office and was told they HAD addressed it and were waiting for callbacks from whomever could give them info.(OH-btw- I DID have to put duckling back-durn!)so I am becoming a pit bull and will try a few more things. Campus newspaper is a call I will make.
Questioned by campus cop at 6:30 am while ALMOST to my truck w/duckling I had gotten. only 2 ducklings left out of 4(and thats OK w/me if someone is going to eat the taken 2 as long as they take excellent care until slaughter) and the Muscovy drake has angel wing and IS lame also. Have another call to Pres. Gee's office and was told they HAD addressed it and were waiting for callbacks from whomever could give them info.(OH-btw- I DID have to put duckling back-durn!)so I am becoming a pit bull and will try a few more things. Campus newspaper is a call I will make.
They made you put the duckling back? thats ridiculous.

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