Still shaking it's head


8 Years
Apr 26, 2015
Salem Utah
I had a chick that initially, at about a week old, would roll around on it's back, screeching, and scratching it's ears. I treated it for ear mites, and after a day or so the episodes stopped. I continued treating for a week, and I also treated it's brood mates just to be on the safe side, although none of them were showing any signs of itching or scratching.

Since then this chick has continued to shake it's head, like a nervous tick. It is over 8 week sold, and still just shakes it's head every 15 to 30 seconds. It is growing at the same rate as it's brooder mates, and eats and drinks and forages like the rest of them.

Is it possible that the mites caused some kind of permanent damage?

I did just retreat everybody in my flock for mites just as a routine preventative treatment.
Yes it is possible they caused inner ear damage Rolling around on the ground is also a sing of neurological conditions.
That's what I was afraid of. Other than the head shaking, she seems perfectly healthy, so, I guess if the regular mite control techniques don't stop it then she will just live out her life that way. It doesn't appear to bother her at all.

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