Stolen Article Need Help


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Crossville, Tennessee
I wrote an article about the Mirena IUD and recently someone stole it. They have it posted on their website and I can only assume they are making money off of ads. I contacted Google and they said "we can't find the page". The page was right there and I sent them a link to it. I contacted the people that stole it, no response. I contacted their web provider, no response. What can I do? They will not remove my work! I am afraid it is costing me money as it steals traffic away from my HubPages.
it's not necessary to file a copyright, a creative work is automatically the property of the author. copyright filing makes things a little clearer if you have to go to court, but they are not at all required.

contact their host again, see if you can find a phone number... harder to ignore a phone call than an email. offer to have your lawyer contact them if they don't handle it (even if you don't have one yet.)
contact the person again, tell them take it down or the next contact will be from your lawyer (even if you don't have one yet.)
some lawyers will write a letter for you for not too much money... if you think you're losing income, it may well be worth it to have a letter written for you.
people reeeeaaaly don't like getting agressive letters from lawyers. you probably won't have to go any further than the letter to get it fixed.

sorry you're having to deal with that.
Thank you for the reply. I will do that. I have a feeling it is a losing battle because they are in I believe, China. I cannot call them because they don't have a number here. Maybe their provider does though.
Sorry to hear this! I visit Suzanne McMinn's blog daily. I know she had someone copy one of her pictures off her sight and publish it in a magazine or website (can't remember which). I, believe, it just happened this year. Anyways, you could go to her blog and look up what steps she took. She did not have to take any serious legal action. She did receive compensation from the company. She found out what she was entitled to and asked for it and got it -- after a little hardball. Might be worth a look, but if they are in China then it will be harder, but worth a shot. Best of luck!
I note that in your signature you speak of the government as something that will do you harm. I also note that you like to rely on the copywrite laws, which, by the way, are one of those pesky government regulations that did harm to the person who tried to steal your work. I guess to avoid hypocricy it will depend on whose ox is being gored.
The "government" is not the actual harmful thing. It is the lack of checks and balances within the government that is so scary. Too many different "special interest" projects and groups have the bulk of the control of our government, which is supposed to be FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. Unfortunately, the "people" we have in charge are greedy and self-serving.

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