Stop me now!


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
TSC gets its chicks in this week. DO NOT LET ME GO GET ANY. I mean it. I absolutely do not need chicks, especially silkies. KEEP ME AWAY from Tractor Supply.
This is your last warning. I cannot be controlled.
I have this same condition. It's like a cat collector, except with chickens. (Ok and maybe with cats too, I have 4.

Our TSC cannot figure out when they get their chicks, every person I ask tells me something different. They seem so disorganized. They don't know where they are ordering from, some employees I've asked didn't know they were getting chicks, and I've gotten three different dates for the days the chicks are coming in, two of which have passed already and they don't have any chicks.
Ok, now I have to head out to my feed store to see if they have any baby chicks, too!!

It will be hard waiting until May to get my ordered batch.......

Oh Dear, when does that 12 step program start anyway??
I nearly ordered another 25 the other day...
...this is SO bad!!!!!!!!!
Then I found some BLUE orpingtons close by....
ep.gif I'm getting some chicks Tuesday - plus the buff polish I'm ordering at the end of the month...

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