Strange mystery man approached my fiancee today...


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Northern Virginia
Gave him some sort of talisaman and told him it would bring him luck, told him to tell me things would be alright... im afraid i cant update everyone untill i know if i belive it. anyone here know anything about it?
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no but wish a mystery man would approach us with something to bring good luck
. hope it works out for ya.
A talisman can work if you believe it can work. For example, you tell yourself you are not going to be afraid of something because you have a talisman in your pocket. You're telling yourself I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid while you rub the talisman. You're actually calming yourself down by focusing on rubbing the talisman. You're centering your energy on the talisman and not on your fear.
I have one in my car and won't travel anywhere without it.

smom, that's pretty much it. Another example if I may: You're a ballerina and you have your first big recital coming up. You're really afraid of messing up; so afraid of messing up that when you get out on the stage that's all you can think about...messing up. You're concentrating so hard on not messing up that you forget to concentrate on the right moves; thus you mess up.
Now you're the same ballerina, except this time before you go on stage someone gives you a "lucky" penny to put in your slipper. When you go out on the stage, you start to get afraid, but then think I'm not gonna mess up cuz I have that lucky penny in my slipper. Thus freeing up your mind to concentrate on making the right moves and you don't mess up!
It's like playing little mind games with your own mind.

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