Stray chicken breed & gender check


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 10, 2008
On our way to the grocery store yesterday we found a chicken walking down the street. So we live in a good sized city. Kind of random, eh?

She is half the size of our EE and a third of the size of our Welsummers. She appears to be an adult bird, which is making me think that she is a Bantam. Green legs and blueish ears. What do you think, adult EE Bantam hen?

I am looking for her family, but with no luck so far. I have buy in from our top hen, so I think I can integrate her if she will tolerate being around the big girls. We have a strange pecking order at our house. We have top hen and then everyone else. There does not appear to be any sort of pecking order outside of our very, very dominant top hen who has been boss lady since she was 3 days old.

Here's Surely. We named her that because surely we didn't find a chicken that allowed me to scoop her right up walking down the street two blocks from the light rail.



Thanks everyone.
Lucky you..

I have found a stray rooster once when I was a kid.. My friends and I spent 2 weeks trying to catch it.. Funny thing is, we never heard it crow.. And it always hung around our school, which was just down the road from my house..

I saw 2 red hens once on the divider between the lanes of the freeway.. I was to young to try to catch them.. They were living in wild rose bushes..
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