Sudden Death


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
Today I found one of my four Red Sex Links dead in the corner of the run. At 10 AM all came running as they always have done when I toss in a handful of scratch. At noon I tossed a handful of grapes that they enjoy. At 230 I found her dead with the feathers and skin of her lower back gone and bloody. One of the others had dried blood on her beak.

They are between 24 and 30 weeks. One lays almost daily, one a few times per week and one just started today. The one who started laying today may have been the one that died. I found what looked like a bloody string or feather in the box with the egg.

She was one of the larger birds, full comb with no prior indication of any problem. After I removed her, the one with the bloody beak took a few pecks on the lower back of one of the others.

Could laying her first egg, an average size egg, have cause a problem (assuming it was her that laid the third egg today) she died and the other starting eating? Could the cannibal have attacked and killed her? They were both about the same size and no prior fighting episodes.

Any ideas what could have happened?
I would put more stock in something having got in there and attacked her while she was laying her egg. It is no surprise if your chickens may have been eating the dead bird, they have no qualms with cannibalism. But usually the chickens have an established pecking order and they would not need to fight, assuming they are getting plenty of food. I think you have a predator problem.
Thanks for the perspective on pecking order and fighting. I first thought that something may have gotten in but no signs of entry. Everything, top and sides is half inch welded wire and buried. The yard is surrounded by chain link fence and the dogs have done a good job of keeping suburban predators away for the last 4 years.
I do not know you so I go with over information instead of under information. I apologize as you clearly already knew all that. I do not know, I have never heard of laying an egg killing a chicken.
Its hard to know someone over an initial email. I wanted to avoid a long email message and to keep it short I apologize if I can across as a know it all. Your perspective on fighting was a help as it eliminated one potential but unlikely cause.
No you did not come across as a know it all. I was afraid I did, and insulted you by dumbing it down. I looked at your profile after your responce and you have more experience then i do. I was being sincere with my apology.

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