hi i have 4 week old sulmtaler chicks ( 2 out of 6 hatched) i am new to this so am not too sure what sex they are, i hope hens but have a suspicion that they are not, they are both the same i will upload pics but the quality is not great as they are so fast!
I'm sorry, I have no idea. I have a chick too that hatched 10 days ago. Don't know if it's male or female either. But I would like to know. If there is anyone out there with info on this I would join voices with my fellow confused chicken owner......please help
I also have a Sulmateler chick and was researching this. I read somewhere that when the chicks are about 2 weeks old and have more feathers, if you see a black stripe on their wing feathers, then it is male. They are not auto-sexed, so I am not sure if this is 100% the case for every Sulmtaler. In all the photos I have seen of Sulmtaler hens, they are all wheaten and white speckled. None of the hens appear to have black feathers. My 1 week old Sulmtaler chick is developing its wing feathers right now and it appears that there is black mixed with white on its wings. I believe it will turn out to be a male, but will update once I know for certain. I hope this helps.
I understand that black wings mean a roo, but brown mean a girl, so what do I have? my friends are joking with me saying that I have a Hermaphrodite .... ha ha. It's name is Sultan and Sultan is three weeks old today.
hi, my sulmtaler chicks are now 9 weeks old and i still don't know if they are male or female, i used bought hatching eggs so not even sure if they are crosses, they are very handsome though but if they are boys then they have to go as i only have 2 other girls,
if anyone could confirm that they are boys i would be very grateful