Susquehanna Poultry Club Show: Whats For Sale


11 Years
Nov 23, 2008
Elkton, MD
After someone messaged me asking me to post, this I agreed that is was a great idea. Every should post what they are bringing for sale, or what they are looking for and maybe someone may have it. I hope to see everyone there!
Ok then, me first.. I will have some 9 week old Black Sexlinks, and White Pearl Leghorns. Also some 3-4 week old RIR, Barred Rocks, and Black Sexlinks.
I might bring birds for sale, not sure. Anyone interested in a nice breeding trio of bantam white crested black Polish? I also have a black Ameraucana rooster. He wants to go home w/one of y'all...

ETA: cdeans, I mailed my entry form for the Marans egg show off to you today. You should get it by Friday, but I wanted to give you a heads up that it's on its way.
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Who gets to take the marans eggs home? Inquireing minds want to know??

If I had Marans that were laying eggs besides my Cuckoos I would offer them up as a reward for Bettys safe return home. Want a happy ending on this one!!!(sorry didnt mean to go off topic its just hard to not respond to your posts, Marlin)
Crunchie: Thanks for the heads up.

marlinchaser: On the entry form there is a place you can select to enter your eggs into the egg raffle, or they will be destroyed after the show. No one takes home peoples eggs unless they are entered into the raffle.
Marans egg samiches? Does it jingle when you swallow?

chew chew swallow --> KACHING!!!!

Well that's one way to raise money for the club. I can see the menu now:

Coffee $1
Soda $1
Bagel $.75
Sausage Biscuit $3
Marans Egg on an English Muffin $75.00

Now back to your previously scheduled "for sale" post.
P@P@2four :

Marans egg samiches? Does it jingle when you swallow?

chew chew swallow --> KACHING!!!!

Well that's one way to raise money for the club. I can see the menu now:

Coffee $1
Soda $1
Bagel $.75
Sausage Biscuit $3
Marans Egg on an English Muffin $75.00

Now back to your previously scheduled "for sale" post.

You should see the egg I had for breakfast today. Hardboiled chocolate it was, but you know, I can't set or sell them all.
Of course, that egg was from a couple of weeks ago. They're starting to lighten up now. I'm so mad, too, 'cause if this egg show was a few weeks ago I would have much darker eggs! Oh well. That's how those Marans girls roll.

I'm not putting my eggs in the raffle 'cause by the time they get to the show, they're gonna be a week or more old. I don't want someone to try to hatch too-old eggs. But Marlin, if you want some eggs, I could bring you a few fresh ones. Up to you if they're for 'samich making or incubating.
They're just Cuckoos, though.​
Hey! I asked Kay about this and she said, no, that the person showing eggs can take their own eggs home, that they don't have to offer them to the raffle(unless they want to) and that there would be no egg smashing.
Just posting this because I sure as heck wouldn't enter if I had the choice of "giving away" or "smashing!"
Marlinchaser, that's one expensive "sammich!" LOL!!!

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