Swans in a hotel


Frugal Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 20, 2008
My BIL works at a hotel where they feature swans in an indoor pool type set up. I stayed there, and couldn't sleep as I watched the swans swim around in circles. The lights never turn off at night and the swans never seem to leave the pool . . . in fact, there didn't seem to be an area for the swans to stand outside of the pool.
Does this seem okay to anyone? If it doesn't, how does the hotel get away with it? I couldn't stop thinking about it, and when I asked my BIL, he said, "Who cares? They're just birds." (Anyone want to guess how much I like this guy?
) I'm sure there must be some people who call to complain, so I'm sure the city must think it's okay. I just can't help thinking there's something wrong about the whole thing
Call the local animal control or Game control in that area. People's ignorance does not make it right. Swans, like other water fowl do come out of the water to feed and nest, they will sleep in the water. I do agree with your questioning. Good luck and keep us posted with what you find out.
I did stay there a couple of days, and not once were those swans out of the water that I could see. What I'm wondering . . . this is a very high traffic hotel, in a very large city, so I figured it is next to impossible for them to not have been reported yet. In that case, could animal control have looked in on them and thought things were dandy? What on earth would I do in that situation? I will find the information and report them, but I'm thinking it won't have much of an impact.
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I used to work at a hotel that did have swans in ponds meant for them. They did have a shelter available. Most guests were under the impression the critters never left the water. Not so, just happened very early and very late.

And they were monsters that beat me up every chance they got so I know danged well they could get out and were fine and healthy and strong. Heck the male broke my nose once, then my hand a second time. It's sometimes hard to catch the ones that flat prefer to be on water on land.

The blacks got out and wandered a lot more than whites tend to, especially in a place with lots of visitors. Of course the blacks loved people and were gentle souls as well. Never mind how I felt about the whites. Those are not nice words.
Thanks for informing us of what goes on behind the scenes. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and not assume everyone is stupid.... unless of course it's undeniably so. In a lot of cases it may turn out that they know something i don't and i am the fool.
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This hotel has the pond right in the middle of the restaurant area, and you can walk all the way around it . . . no shelter, and if they wander out of the pond than they're doing it either right in the lounge or through the dining tables. They feed them in the pond. Your hotel sounds like a much nicer one to the swans. I'd love to get them to add more room, even if it's just a ledge, and a shelter. That would certainly put my mind at ease.
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You migth want to call and adress your concerns over the birds in a nice way. See what they say. I have been called out in a couple of these situations and sometimes there is more you dont know. Not always but sometimes.

Swans dont actually like to be on land, they do prefer the water. They are clumsy and struggle to get around. I was just watching one of our mutes trip over his own feet, he is a juvenile and struggling with his new found largeness.

I personally dont care for the swans/ducks in the fountain set ups mainly because people throw coins and other objects in and they eat them. The number one cause of death in zoo and display waterfowl is hardware disease. They are rairly treated and just euthanized and replace after they ingest coins and objects. Its cheaper to replace birds than the cost of one surgery.

If the fountain was large enough and they had acess to food all the time I dont think it would be terrible, I wouldnt do it, but not terrible. I see so much worse unfortanately

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Sounds like those birds would benefit from a better environment. Most are used enough to people not to be bothered by being surrounded. However, they should have a place to eat and rest and dry out.

A float island or a ramp to a small space to settle. Yeah that's not a good set up if they can't get out.

A sign of lazy self-centered humans. You don't have to clean up swan poop if you don't let em out of the pool. Unfortunately under humane law's minimum standards I am not so certain that anything can be done legally.

Yeah the set up at the hotel I worked at was very nice, but then they had fancy koi, a tropical bird aviary, some very nice ducks and flamingos, so they were very into animal care. My biggest headaches were the swans that wanted to kill me and the cranes and herons trying to eat my koi.
I am sure they let them out when the restaurant closes at night. They have to clean the water after all, or it would be muddy and stinky. And I am certain they have the best of advisors already. They probably have animal care attendants on staff.

Everything is not always displayed for public view but that does not mean that it does not exist. Gosh people seem trigger happy. Whew!
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