Swelling underneath beak


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2021
Has anyone seen this before? This poor little pullet (she is almost 11 weeks old) has this large swollen area under her beak. She is eating and drinking normally, but I am so worried about her. Anyone know what this is and how I should treat her?
No, we didn't see anything inside her mouth. She definitely didn't like us messing with it, so we think it might be an abscess. Wanted to get some other opinions, it's only our second year with chickens, and we have been very lucky up until now.
No, we didn't see anything inside her mouth. She definitely didn't like us messing with it, so we think it might be an abscess. Wanted to get some other opinions, it's only our second year with chickens, and we have been very lucky up until now.
Stick a needle in it, see if you get fluid, if pus, treat with antibiotics.
No, we didn't see anything inside her mouth. She definitely didn't like us messing with it, so we think it might be an abscess. Wanted to get some other opinions, it's only our second year with chickens, and we have been very lucky up until now.
Did you notice it grow? Or was it there all of the sudden?
Did you notice it grow? Or was it there all of the sudden?
It was very sudden, just noticed it yesterday. Spent the last 24 hours observing to see if she was behaving strangely before making any decisions. No changes since yesterday, but I think I know how I'll be spending my day tomorrow. Never had to aspirated or lance an abscess on a chicken before, but I can't stand to let her suffer!
It was very sudden, just noticed it yesterday. Spent the last 24 hours observing to see if she was behaving strangely before making any decisions. No changes since yesterday, but I think I know how I'll be spending my day tomorrow. Never had to aspirated or lance an abscess on a chicken before, but I can't stand to let her suffer!
She could've been bitten by an insect. I wouldn't cut into it just yet.
I'll tag the experts. @azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive

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