swollen belly

Hens rule

9 Years
Jan 28, 2015
My almost 5 year old Buff Orpington hen Funchick's belly is kind of swollen, it feels like a full water balloon and it's mainly in the front part of her belly. She isn't acting sick at all and is acting perfectly normal, eating, drinking and freetanging as all the others do. I just noticed how full it was today but I have felt that area maybe 2 weeks ago and it was a little but full of "liquid". Is she internal laying? Of had 2 internal layers so far and I don't want any more.
I don't know if she's egg bound, she isn't acting like it and she hasn't spent any time in the laying boxes I have another hen who has a swollen belly but it went away. Thank you
I just lost a hen to lash egg, but she was never able to pass it, so it built up a little bit of fluid, until yesterday. Then a friend just lost a hen to cancer of the oviduct and egg yolk peritonitis. Research all those conditions and see if that helps. You can look on all my posts from today and two or three days ago and read what others have said. I necropsies both hens.
I haven't found any lash eggs but I think she's internal laying. Does she need anti biotics?
I never found lash eggs from mine either. Not until the necropsy anyway. For some reason she wasn't able to pass them, then they simply got too large to pass. But anyway, Kathy (castorpony) I think Is her forum name shared a link with me that mentioned anti microbials helping in the beginning. Then she herself told me about baytril, but it is illegal to use in poultry. Read my posts from the last few days if you like, see if that will help. I've only just learned this stuff, so I'm sorry I can't tell you more.
I haven't found any lash eggs but I think she's internal laying. Does she need anti biotics?

I just re-read this and realized I didn't really answer your question. Anti biotics like duramycin 10/can help for things related to ascitis, and egg yolk peritonitis based on what I've read. I put my hen on one round of it to no avail. I may have simply not treated her enough times. Hope this helps
If you go to the top of this page and do a search for ascites, there will be several good threads to read. Hens can develop ascites or fluid in the lower abdomen from heart failure and liver failure. It tends to be common in some hens with internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis. Fluid can be removed periodically with an 18 gauge needle inserted just under the skin, to ease the pain and pressure, and to make breathing less labored.

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