swollen bottom and white watery discharge!


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2015


My poor little polish chick isn't even 2 weeks old yet. I am trying to figure out if this is vent gleet or what? If it is, what can I do for such a small chick? I just hope it is nothing real serious. Any ideas?
That is not vent gleet, but probably constipation or pasting up. I would clean the vvent ently with warm soapy water and using your fingers to remove the poo. Put a drop or two of vegetable oil around the vent. This could be from dehydration, so I would make sure the chick is drinking plenty of water. Add some probios powder to the water, and give the chick a few drops of molasses or castor oil once by mouth. Constipated chicks can suffer a prolapsed vent.

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