I just found this chick with a swollen eye. 15 days old. No other symptoms. All the other chicks are acting fine, except I found a dead chick this morning. No swollen eyes, no signs of anything. Poops are normal in the brooder. The chicks are in a brooder in my basement. No contact with other animals, and I wash my hands before cleaning/handling their areas or them. Thoughts? I read a few threads about Coryza or mycobacterium, but no other symptoms. Cull to reduce risk to hatch-mates?
Of course, I found this when I let them have a little sunny outside time (warm afternoon in texas). They were kept in a pen (older chickens were still in their distant run). Do I need to keep the adults away from this area of my yard now?
I just don’t understand where they’d get an infection. No new birds on property in 6-7 months and all adults are healthy.
Advice appreciated. I’m panicking that they’re all going to die, or that they’re going to get my adult birds sick (or else I have to cull all the chicks).
Of course, I found this when I let them have a little sunny outside time (warm afternoon in texas). They were kept in a pen (older chickens were still in their distant run). Do I need to keep the adults away from this area of my yard now?
I just don’t understand where they’d get an infection. No new birds on property in 6-7 months and all adults are healthy.
Advice appreciated. I’m panicking that they’re all going to die, or that they’re going to get my adult birds sick (or else I have to cull all the chicks).