

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
My two year old buff orpington has swollen feet. The scales on the front are a little raised and I see two small wounds on the side of one leg just above the foot. The wounds are not black, they are red, bloody scabs. I have her in a dog crate in the kitchen right now. Please tell me what it is and how to treat. Thanks
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My two year old buff orpington has swollen feet. The scales on the front are a little raised and I see two small wounds on the side of one leg just above the foot. The wounds are not black, they are red, bloody scabs. I have her in a dog crate in the kitchen right now. Please tell me what it is and how to treat. Thanks

Pictures would be helpful. In the meantime I would soak her feet in rather warm epsom salts water and then coat them with some type of oil..mineral, vegetable, baby...whatever you have. Raised scales can indicate scaly leg mite and the oil will smother them. It wouldn't hurt to put a little oil on her comb too. Sometimes they can get there. Start with that.
It is a possiblilty but not likely if affecting both feet and it is usually a localized spot where the infection enters. However, if it has gone on for a long time then it spreads. I have not found scaly leg mite to be overly easy to spread but I would oil all of them just as a preventative.
I soaked her feet in warm water with epsom salts. Now that her feet are clean I can see them better. There are no black spots anywhere. The scales on the front of her feet and the tops of her toes are raised. I put vaseline all over her feet and legs.
I think I'm seeing evidence of leg mites on two more hens. They're not swollen at all but some of their leg scales are raised and/or damaged. Can someone confirm from these pics that this is what I'm dealing with?

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