Swollen, hot tummy/back area


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Following on from my other message. My chicken is still not happy. Have witnessed eating and drinking but her back area and underbelly appears swollen and very warm. Her poop which is a yellow and white in colour no longer green.

She kept going in and out of her boxes yesterday, panting and sat down. Wasn't sure if she was going to depart or trying to lay an egg.
Please see my other message for further history marked"help, green smelly poo." I will bring her in and bath her again and try and massage the area in case it is an egg that is stuck.
Would the area be this swollen and warm? How far do I go in the vent to try and empty her. ? Should it be just inside the went?
Or am I looking at something else entirely?

Can anyone help please.
I hope some one can help tell you how to assist her..... poor baby... sounds like she is feeling distressed indeed.
thanks. It doesn't look good. I have no answers. I don't think she will make it till morning. Shes in a box with food and water and she isn't interested. She can't sit or rest and she has a bad smell. Her chest is moving quite heavy and she feels a bag of bones apart from this massive lump.
Well, what can I say, she made it through the night in box and seemed quite chipper today. She's been out in the garden slowly walking with the others. Witnessed her eating and drinking.
Back section seems a little less swollen. She doesn't seem able to get on the purch with the others but I placed her there and she made noises at me. Took that as a thank you. See what tomorrow brings.

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