My lead hen, an australorp of 6+ years, has developed swollen legs. I thought her legs looked a little thicker a few weeks ago, but over the past week they have ballooned just ABOVE her the "cankle" area of BOTH legs. So far, thankfully, she is not limping. And her health does not seem otherwise affected yet; she still eats/drinks/poops - not a lot of pecking about, but it's been cold here (Indiana) and she's old. She comes out with the others when I open their run each morning, and she sure can still flap and run when I bring out treats/scraps.
At first I thought perhaps some kidney issue due to age...fluid/water retention, since many old people deal with swollen legs. I'd been thinking that maybe an organ is starting to fail. But after taking a closer look today, I'm wondering if it's some kind of infection? The areas are soft-ish...and seem a little warm to me compared to her feet or the upper leg...almost like a bumblefoot infection. I'm not suggesting bumblefoot of course, but am not sure how she would have developed an infection in the ankle areas??? Do you think it could be gout???
I'm wondering if anyone has seen anything like this? And if so, how did you treat it? Thanks for your input! She's a good hen - hoping to help her if I can.

At first I thought perhaps some kidney issue due to age...fluid/water retention, since many old people deal with swollen legs. I'd been thinking that maybe an organ is starting to fail. But after taking a closer look today, I'm wondering if it's some kind of infection? The areas are soft-ish...and seem a little warm to me compared to her feet or the upper leg...almost like a bumblefoot infection. I'm not suggesting bumblefoot of course, but am not sure how she would have developed an infection in the ankle areas??? Do you think it could be gout???
I'm wondering if anyone has seen anything like this? And if so, how did you treat it? Thanks for your input! She's a good hen - hoping to help her if I can.