Swollen pink leg - injury?


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Wellington, Colorado
My 5 month-old Barred Rock has something wrong with her left leg, but I don't know what it is. Have attached picture in the hope someone knows what this is, and the prognosis. She eats, drinks water and comes out of the hen house, but cannot stand on the left leg (hops on the right one), and is unable to perch (sits on ground).

Please help.
It could have gotten cut so check for bleeding. It also may have gotten stuck in something and is broken. You may want to wrap it in vet wrap and separate her from the rest of your flock. She doesn't need to walk on it if it is broken so put her food and water close to her. I hope this helps!!!
I can't really tell from the pic how swollen it is, or where exactly the swelling is. Is it her leg, her foot, or both?

As suggested already, I would examine her foot closely for cuts or plug looking scabs (indicating bumblefoot). Even a cracked, closely broken toenail can cause pain/hobbling. If her foot/legs looks healthy, then I would suspect a sprain...hopefully not a break or anything. Gently feel all the way up her leg to her thigh to see if you get a reaction. I would probably contain her in a small area (large dog crate maybe?) to limit mobility and give it a couple of days to see if there's any change. Also, if you could get a closer shot of the swelling, that might help others help you more...

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