Teacher needs help for a grant...voting over. 11th place.


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Shamong, NJ
My DS's social studies teacher sent us the following e-mail:

I wanted to let you know that I am participating in a Microgrant program sponsored by Quantum Learning Technologies and an online community, called WeAreTeachers. The 10 recipients of this grant receive $200 to promote "student engagement" in their classroom, as well as a flip video camera. Recipients are selected through an online voting process. SO -- If you have a moment, I'd really appreciate you going online and voting for my project. It would really mean a lot to me to have your vote and support! Just go to http://www.weareteachers.com/web/512963/ise (he is on the 1st page under the Top 15 on right of screen) or
http://media.weareteachers.com/watmicrogrant/ise/voteforme.php?app=434 will take you directly to John Rudman.


Mr. Rudman is really awesome and I'd like to help him if I can.

Thanks in advance for your help!

ETA: Only 1 vote per name and e-mail allowed and voting is over October 12th.
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Voted! Geography skills are sorely lacking in many students. I feel this is a worthy project

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