Teenage Chicken Sick??


6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Escondido, Ca
I have a teenage hen that I noticed was not perching one night and sitting in nesting box. When I tried to get her up she was not standing up and kept falling over. I immediately separated her from the rest of the flock. She eats and drinks water and stool has been solid and normal. She can move around but still seems unbalanced. I have been giving her electrolytes and vitamins e, b, and selenium. She is alert but this morning she only keeps one eye open. I looked at other posts and can't seem to get what she has. Any thoughts?
Did she have a Mareks vaccine? Have you added any new chickens recently? Does she sit on her hock (elbows) or curl her toes? Does one or both legs seem weak or paralyzed? If you open her eye, does it look like the other one? I'm not saying that she has Mareks, but you may want to read this link about Mareks to learn about the symptoms, and other diseases that may look like Mareks: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/the-great-big-giant-mareks-disease-faq
I haven't added any new chicks but am not certain she has been vaccinated. Her poop is normal and not discolored. She is eating at drinking quite regularly. Feet are not split and she will stand. But when she walks she looses her balance. Her closed eye color and shape is same as other eye. And it dialates when I flash light in it. I am going to keep trying as if it's a vitamin deficiency since I have had no other issues with my flock. Hoping for the best but thank you for the link! It mentions other possibilities that can seem like mareks..but will watch for progression to get worse.

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