Tell me your best horse stories!

Well the craziest one is about 7 weeks ago. I was with my friends and I was riding bareback but my horse started bucking. I couldn’t hold on so I fell off. I got a compound fracture and my friends were such great helps. I got sent to the hospital and I just got my cast off. It hurt like crazy and was scary but I still love my horse more than anything and I’m so grateful for my amazing friends.
That happened to us two days ago! She was also laying on an electric motorcycle, so we had to get that out of the way. If she thrashed shovel could break a leg and it would be a death sentence. If she laid there to long then she could die. It was horrifying!
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We had to have a vet come a give her a mega dose of sedative, and I had to lay there with her and keep her from thrashing for 45 minutes. I also had to keep from shaking! She isn't even my horse, my friend, the owner, is out of town. it would have been HORRIBLE if something had happened!
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The horses broke into the hay room. Then, Hope the horse, probably got trapped in there, and tried to run out. Slipped between the round bale and the Tractor, and boom! She's stuck. It was totally our fault, we knew the doors weren't secure, but it was terrifying all the same.
I’m so glad she’s okay! I’d be so scared if that happened to mine.

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