Telling the sex of pekin ducklings?


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
So i might be hatching some of my pekins eggs, and i'm going to keep some girls that hatch to add to my flock. i just want to know at what age should i be able to tell the difference between girls and boys? I know that hens quack and drakes whisper and that drakes have drake feathers when they get older but is there any other way to tell the sex earlier? i don't want to try vent sexing because i have heard it may not be accurate and could harm the ducks.
Drakes don't get their drake feathers till they are at least 4 months old. My pekin girl that I hatched started quacking around 2 weeks old, and my rouens and cayugas started around 4 weeks. So you wouldn't have to keep them too long to be able to tell. You could vent sex them, if you know how to do it. I don't, and am happy just waiting for their quacks

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