Temp dropped to 95 for 5 hours.


5 Years
Oct 16, 2014
Just making sure here, but I took out the egg turner and went to bed. As I should have expected the temp dropped a little bit. Im raising it back up right now. I'm sure they are OK, but another person saying it would make me feel a bit better.
Feel better, they should be fine.

I had a broody hen go back to the wrong nest. By the time I found her the eggs were really cold to the touch. I don’t know how long she was off those eggs but the air temperature was a lot less than 95. I put her back on the eggs and she eventually hatched 11 out of 11.
I wouldn't be to concerned if the temp dropped to 80 for 5 hour. I live in a area with constant power cuts and I haven't seen a drop in the hatch rate in batch's that have had to endure 8 hrs with out heat. (florida so even with out heat they stay at 80 plus).

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