The 13 chick hen or rooster question


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 8, 2012
Well it's not not really 13. We have a flock of 16, they are all 13 weeks old, all bought from McMurrays (after a disastrous experiment with a broody hen that produced 8 roosters!!). We bought all females but have a sneaky suspicion that not all of them will turn out hens. In fact I know (I think) the blue cochin is a roo (starting to jump others). But there are a few that I am not convinced. So if you could help out that would be great appreciated. Thanks very much!!!!!!!!

Starting with the easy one. Blue Cochin - Fairly convinced that Penguin is a rooster.

Black Giant - very dominant in the flock, lots of iridiscient feathers. But no comb to speak of? hen or roo?

Speckled Sussex - one with a bit more comb (reddish) and iridescent tail feathers. one hen one roo?

Silver Laced Wyandotte - the other one is predominately white and the comb is not red. (Plus the white one got jumped by Penguin today.) so the blacker one - hen or roo?

Easter eggers - we have 3 but these two i am not sure. both have these little beards, the third one doesn't?

Rhode Island Red - again we have two both are very similar, so here is one? Hen or Roo
From what I can tell, only the Blue Cochin is a rooster. Really pretty birds, especially the Silver-Laced Wyandottes!
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Thanks - yes they are pretty adorable. last year we received some fertilized eggs and a broody hen from a friend. All hatched to be roos. A little anxious since then. these were the roos:

see poor hen in the back? 7 roos one hen. not wanting this again
I agree with Bantamlover21!Good Luck!
Was the blue cochin your free exotic chick? That would explain it being male, the free chicks usually are.

Other than that, everyone's female.
Easter eggers usually have beards, but as they're not really a breed and the hatcheries breed more for egg color than any standard, some don't.
yes the blue cochin was the free exotic chick. fully expected him to be a roo. after 7 roosters last year, i can live with the idea of one, i was more concerned about getting multiples. but so far everyone seems to agree. will keep you up to date

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