The Babies and a Chicken Addiction?


6 Years
May 9, 2015
4 more Babies.. (that is what I call my chicks) Two Americaunas (EE since I got them at the feed store)  and two RIR.  This is my 2nd batch of babies.  I don't know what happened, but as soon as I sent the big girls to the coop,  DH bought me a few more. :)  This has to be the last due to city ordinances but OMG.. How do you stop????  I think it is an addiction. One RIR is a cockerel I am pretty sure, does that mean I can go and get one more???? LOL. 

- Roxanne, now we call George since we think he is the boy.. RIR
-Hufflepuff - Ameraucana (EE)
- Little Red Hen - RIR
- Myrtle and Hufflepuff.. both the Ameraucanas (EE's) that is the only pic i could get of Myrtle
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OHHHH THEY ARE ADORABLE!!!!!!! I'm LOVING the Harry Potter names!!!.... Unfortunately I have not come across a cure... I started with 6.... I now have a number which I can't disclose without being judged lol! I am literally known as the chicken lady in my town... so even if there was a cure for us chicken-a-holics... I don't think I'd take it :)
DH named them this time. ;) he knows howuch I love the Harry Potter series. Buy other six who are 10 weeks old are all named after goddesses. ;) well except tiger, but she is really named crouching tiger hidden chicken. We just call her tiger for short. B
We dont have a theme lol everone just got named according to personality except henny penny my grandpa named her before he gave her to me. We have Betsy Ross she is an AMERaucana lol and Ragnar our barred rock roo (after the viking king), UB (a polish), bluebell, freckles, lola, rhonda, salt, pepper.... a little of everything lol
I almost have the Hubby as addicted as me. ;) the only one who thinks we are crazy is my 21 yr old son. Lol.

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