The babies are now 4 months tell me boys are girls


9 Years
Sep 2, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
This one not so sure about i thinking hen but want to make sure Her name is Wanda

this Is Blondy

Sandy is the buff in front the two ee are in the back


one of the ee they pretty much are twins expect the other is darker in color

the one on the right is from the picture above and the one on the left is the darker one and she also appears in the third picture as the one that's in the front on the right same picture as Sandy
OH YAY ALL SIX HENS!!! I dont have to cull any roosters thats awesome thank yall so much seriously lol my husband will be thrilled. And i get to keep all my new pretty girls awesome. And yeah they are pretty lol thanks. I add them to add color, we have 3 leghorns hens, 2 deleware hens, 3 rhode island reds hens, 4 barred rocks hens, and 2 golden sex links both hens do i need some other colors lol and i wanted colored eggs lol.

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