the big nose (childrens story)

Henny peeny

12 Years
May 4, 2007
I wrote this long ago it needs illistration I have tried to get it published but no luck what do you think. I was trying to teacher children even if you are teased by some one if they need your help you should not think of what they have did but help them anyhow.


The Big Nose

Once upon a time in a town called breezy there

lived a man named Mr. Curio. He was a very wealthy

man and had many rings on his fingers that were full

of rubies, emeralds and diamonds. Mr. Curio also

walked with a walking stick that had a very large

gem of blue topaz. His clothes were of the finest

cloths and his hair was always the latest fashion,

But Mr. Curio wasn't happy. For on his face is a big

huge long nose. Day after dreary day he would go

home to a very large house, but there was no one

there to greet him. He had a very large heart but no

one knew this since they all were thinking of new

ways to tease him about his nose. One day as he

walked down Woozer Street, he heard the jeers from

the towns people around him. One fellow on the fire

escape yelled "Look!, Here comes ski slope nose!"

Another fellow saw him from across the street on the

street corner and said "All the birds must love you...since you

give them something to perch on."

Then he heard a lady say "What kind if creature is

he?" And yet another yell back" He must be from the

swordfish family, if you don't believe me look at

his snout!" If this wasn't bad enough, that the towns

people taunted him so. A child no more then 4

exclaimed "Mommy! Look at his nose, it is

sooooooooooooo BIG!" The woman didn't even try to

hush the innocent child. But then Mr. Curio felt a

awful thing about to happen, he was going to sneeze

IN PUBLIC! He sneezed once and a car tumbled end

over end down the street. He sneezed again and a big

tree went up in the air and came down in a near by

field, luckily no one was in it. He sneezed a third

and final time and blew Miss Mop down the street

causing her quite a embarrassment for as she tumbled

her dress and petticoat flew up over her head and

this exposed her bloomers for all to see! Mr. Curio

wiped his nose with a handkerchief he had, but as he

did so he over heard Miss Magpie the biggest gossip

in the town tell Miss Peach " I would not like him to

sneeze near my house for fear he would blow it into

the next county!" Mr. Curio was sad indeed and

walked slowly sadly back home, he could hear the

crowd still laughing and yelling horrible awful

things as he walked away. As he got home, he stood

in the entryway of his house and glared into the

mirror wishing he had a wife to come home to. As he

looked he thought to himself " How could a lady love

a ugly, gruesome, unhandsome, grotesque, gargoyle

like myself!? I repel all with my ghastliness!"

thinking this he could only sigh.

One night as he looked up into the sky and saw the heavens

before him, he saw a lone star. One he had never noticed

before. He thought it's probably stupid but I'll give it a try, Mr.

Curio spoke aloud " Star light star so bright, the newest star I

see tonight, I wish a wish that will come with a angel in flight"

His voice began to yell loudly "OH GOD IN HEAVEN


PLEEEEEEEASSSSSE!!!" THEN... Mr Curio noticed a odd

thing, the star seemed to move!? It went small then

large then small then large then it started to spin

then it looked as if it was getting closer, it was!

Then it was right at his feet. What an odd star he

thought but then it grew larger and larger and the

form seemed to changed and all of a sudden there was

a beautiful angel with white skin and long blonde

hair and a flowing glittering white gown" she is the

most beautiful entity I have ever seen." He thought

to himself. She spoke in a very soft voice" My name

is Annabel. I heard your wish. OF all the wishes I

hear, yours was the most sincere" she paused and put

one finger in her ear and wiggled it as she did her

ear popped then she rotated her jaw, then she smiled

politely and she continued "And might I say the most

loud, I will grant this wish but you may find you do

not really want it after all..I will go back to Heaven

and listen in case you change your mind". Within a

blink of an eye Mr. Curio felt a warm sensation,

then a tingling, it felt almost like electricity and

with that * POOF * she was gone. He hardly could

wait to visit the mirror in the entryway. He ran as

fast as he could to gaze in the mirror and he saw a

most beautiful sight, a marvelous sight, There..

where his long so big of nose use to be was a small

nose that fit his face perfectly. He couldn't wait

till morning. He wanted to see if anyone would

recognize him. He lay down and tried to sleep but

his mind kept him awake "I bet they will all be so

surprised "he thought. As he nearly dozed something

came to his attention "What is that smell?" He

thought "It smells just!!!" He

leaped from his bed and put on some clothes and away

he went racing out he front door. He could see the

flicker of the fire and ran in it's direction, two

streets down on the left Salvo Drive. He ran fast

to the house where the flicker grew larger and as he

got there he saw the whole house engulfed in fire,

but then he saw a horrible sight, out of the top

window he saw Miss Magpie and Miss Peach, they were

leaning out the window, flames were about to get to

them, they yelled "HELP! HELP! SOMEONE SAVE US!



A crowd had gathered around the house but everyone

knew all would be lost before the fire department

would be able to get there. He remembered these two

women from earlier in the in the day and how they

talked about him but he concerned himself not. He

knew what he had to do, He hesitated not, for he

knew what was the right thing to do. He got down on

his knees and put his hands together as to pray. He

yelled to angel Annabel in Heaven, with the loudness

of a cannon "OH, Annabel, you were right, Oh, please

give me my big nose I had before, I beg you! There

are lives at stake!!!" Annabel knew this would come

to pass, because angels from Heaven know the future.

As before in a blink of an eye. Mr. Curio's old big

nose was back, but the smell of smoke made him

S....SN....SNEE....SNEEZE! Aacchoooooeeee! As he

sneezed he faced Miss Peach's home and blew the fire

completely out! The Crowd said "Gazootight" in

unison and Mr. Curio said mildly " Pardon me" as he

wiped his old nose. Everyone laughed even Mr. Curio,

but this time they were laughing with him not at

him. Miss Magpie said I am so sorry for what I said

about you earlier today. Can you find it in your

heart to forgive a old foolish woman? Mr. Curio

said "But of course" We all make mistakes and

smiled at her. Miss Peach said "I don't what would

of happened to us if you didn't have that wonderful

nose of yours, I owe my life to you" Now the crowd

yelled praises "How wonderful, how beautious, what a

great man!" Miss peach then asked Mr. Curio " Would

you please come for tea and crumpets tomorrow if you

please?" Mr.Curio replied "I would love to" He said

to the crowd "I often wondered why someone such as I was

put on this Earth, I didn't seem to serve any

purpose, but I understand why now."


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