The Bird Arena/Fortress


8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
I am almost finished with the Fortress. I just have to finish adding the top chicken wire and the tarp.

Since the Guineas and the Ducks don't quite get along yet, I will call it the Arena. Eventually they will get along and then it will just be the fortress..

It will be nice to get the ducks off the back porch, however, I will probably miss being able to just walk out the back door and hug a duck whenever I want.

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Awesome pictures. great place to raise ducks!!

Well, I will be giving them a large dog crate for their house till I can make them a better one. Also, I will be moving the kiddie pool in there.
Awesome pictures. great place to raise ducks!!

Well, I will be giving them a large dog crate for their house till I can make them a better one. Also, I will be moving the kiddie pool in there.

you are going to have 8 ducks in a large dog crate? sounds like how many people can you get in a phone booth. won't they be kinda crowded?
and you ducks are very pretty. Guineas too!
the dog crate will just be for sleeping and hiding.. They will have the run of the fortress. As it is they don't use the house I have for them now. They prefer to sleep by my back door and eat any moths attracted to the light.. They have been very spoiled little duckies.
My ducks don't have a very big house either. They never use the thing except to lay eggs in. The Fortress pen looks pretty secure to me.
the fortress looks good, I guess i am just so use to locking mine up at night, I worry you'd be posting soon that something managed to get into the fortress.
Chicken wire will not keep large predators out, if they want a meal. Raccoons can tear or chew through it. Foxes and weasels can dig under.... Dogs, coyotes, wolves, bears, large cats ..... Chicken wire only keeps fowl in. See the Predator section in the index of how many people lose birds in chicken wire enclosures If you want to make it secure against large or determined predators, either hotwire top and bottom and/or add kennel/dog type fencing about 4 foot high with hotwire. .It may work for a long time, but if there is pressure in the area for food, or young predators passing through , your birds ar"sitting ducks". I know it is a lot of work and expense, but having lost full grown geese in 2 fenced yards to raccoons and chickens to possums that climbed 2 fences and a ramp years ago...... and that was in the suburbs....
Every once in a while , someone doesn't come in, or I leave a latch in a night cage unsecured and sigh with relief when they are still ok in the morning....

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