The cock that lays eggs... intersex chicken?

Gyandromorphs show female and male traits. In this case, he would likely also have different colors distributed on his body. Just a very feminine rooster.
I mean I 100% agree that it's extremely unlikely but gynadromorphs or chimeras as a whole in any species present in a lot of different ways. And the biggest head scratcher for me is that he still has no tail feathers, no crow and no interest in the hens. His brother has been all cock for a couple of months now
Ok so this is going to sound nuts and if I'm incredibly stupid please forgive me. So last summer our hen went broody and sat on 4 eggs, two of her own and two of our RIR. To our disappointment every single one appeared to be a cock. They all developed red, large combs early and before long they all had pointy saddle feathers and waddles and very typical cock features all the way around. We lost two to the neighbors dog last month, leaving us with one from the orpington that raised them and one of the RIR crosses. The RIR cross always seemed a little unusual, he didnt seem to truly crow, his long tail feathers hadnt come in and his spurs weren't coming in as fast as his brothers. Then last night the thing sat on the nest and this morning we had 5 eggs out of what we thought were only 4 hens. WHAT THE HECK. Now upon looking closer we noticed it does have a rather hen like tail but literally every other thing about this bird is rooster. What is up with this?!? (Pictured with brother)View attachment 1651218
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Got a place you can put him alone for a few days. That should tell the rest of the story.
I mean I 100% agree that it's extremely unlikely but gynadromorphs or chimeras as a whole in any species present in a lot of different ways. And the biggest head scratcher for me is that he still has no tail feathers, no crow and no interest in the hens. His brother has been all cock for a couple of months now
He does have tail feathers though.
RIR have small tails.

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