The Feather Fortress is habitable! (A love note!)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 23, 2011
Central Texas
We didn't finish as far as adding all the pretty siding and such but our very rustic looking "Feather Fortress" is habitable and the chicks have been moved in. Our coop name comes from the questions at the lumbar yard about the supplies we were buying. They asked, "What are you building, a chicken coop or a chicken palace?" My answer was, "Not so much a palace as a fortress!" and a name was found!

We still have a lot to do such as finish some cosmetics on the coop and the entire run area as well as the feeders and water-ers we are planning. But the chicks are outside and loving it!

Our black mouth cur Dixie peeks at them frequently through the one lower ventilation window and has taken to sleeping beneath the raised coop and chasing off any cats that come nearby. We've begun calling the birdies "Dixie's chicks".
Oh how we amuse ourselves!

This a big thank you to everyone who has posted both on the coop pages as well as here in the forums. I know my birds are safer and will be healthier for all the great advice. You are all the best! As soon as the coop and run are finished I will pay it forward by posting pictures for future newbies (like me). I am taking lots of photos along the way just for that reason.

Someday I too will be an experienced chicken lady and will be answering questions from other new chicken moms! In the meantime, this is my love note to all you who have helped! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!

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