The Flies May do Me In


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
A plea to all you backyard chicken raisers. I live on a small suburban lot and this is my second year of raising chickens. I have to say we have hit the 80s today and the flies are just awful. I keep the coop and run totally clean daily. Spread DE, hang strips and when I let the chickens free roam I hose the poop off right away. Here is the deal though. In order to share a yard with the chickens I cannot just leave poop as I have a little kid and don't know if this is creating the moist environment that is spreading the flies. My neighbors also have dogs they do not pick up well after but that was never an issue before the chickens. I am beginning to think I cannot continue keeping the chickens with so many flies. I love to garden and to not be able to be out in my yard because of so many flies, is a hard choice I am going to have to make. Anyone have any good advice for the small scale backyard chicken raiser?
Posting to see the answers
b/c I have none!
I tried the plastic 2 liter soda bottle w/ sweetened vinegar in it, so far it has been less then successful, I was going to search online to see if there is a better bait. I may just try putting the poop itself in the bottle and seeing if that will work, I just didn't want to trap any black soldier fly females.
Home made fly traps and beer ,,, I know i know you said what !!! But heres the skinny take two liter plastic pop bottle from the top or the cap end mesure down about a quarter way of the bottle and cut a circle all the way around the bottle so you end up with the cap end and a quarter of the round bottle in half invert the cap end into the bottom end so it looks like a funnel and staple it together peirce holes to add string for hanging and add two inches of beer hang in area of the highest population of flies and enjoy watching the dumb lil buggers as they fly in and can't get out and drown it will out perform strips 10 to 1 good luck
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I tried the plastic 2 liter soda bottle w/ sweetened vinegar in it, so far it has been less then successful, I was going to search online to see if there is a better bait.  I may just try putting the poop itself in the bottle and seeing if that will work, I just didn't want to trap any black soldier fly females.
flies..... i dislike these things. i keep bird feeders out for the wild birds by my coop. wild birds love insects. plus the added bonus of hearing them sing. fly tape has been useful as well but they fill up fast. the bottle with beer is another great idea. it also is great for wasp yellow jackets ect. remember flys like the stinky stuff. i would say (and yes this is gross) a piece of meat just small with 2 inches of water. in a hot sunny spot away from the coop. (out of nose range) to draw the flies away from the coop.

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