The funniest broody hen picture in history


8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
My American Gamefowl went broody about two weeks ago and this is too funny not to post. I meant to get rid of it the week before she started. Now I am stuck with it for another week. LOL!

(I may be a redneck)

so having a spare toilet in the "to junk" pile doesn't seem that weird......everybody's got one ya know and they do have to be replaced occasionally........but I'm wondering why there's hay in there??? (was that the demise of the toilet? lol)
Well she was determined to lay in it so why not put hay in it an make her comfortable.....we all know how cold that porcelain can be.
smile.png DH is out of town working. If he is not home by this weekend I am going to show this picture to my DGD! My husband built houses and did remodels for years. There is often a problem with what to do with what needs to be hauled of vs what there is time for. So often things came home with him as we live out in the country. I continue to try and break him from this bad habit. Six years ago when we got married I asked him one day what was wrong with the van up by the driveway. Seems his brother had brought it down several years before and they could not get it running. So basically it was abandoned. Finally I told him either it got hauled off or I was buying enough dirt to fill it up and was planting flowers in it in the spring! Slowly we have hauled off years of junk.

However, there is still a toilet out there...ok, two. They have been out there for at least the last six years. I have said something about them a million times and they are still there. I can see it! The Roosters love having something to get up on to guard their girls and crow from!!! I believe I will move one into both of the runs today!!! Hum.....looks like a good place to dust bathe also....what say you all????

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