The Homeliest Dog....

Sir Birdaholic

Night Knight
10 Years
Nov 6, 2009
Greers Ferry Lake,Arkansas
We've all seen the cute, funny, happy dogs everyone has, so..... let's see the homeliest ones out there.

This is "Bug" ( short for bug-eyed b@$^*%!)
We got him when he was 10 months old, & cute as a bug! Now he's 13 & blind with glaucoma, both knees are gone, & ridden with arthritis. Homely, but deeply loved!

Darn...if it was a fattest dog contest I might have a shot with my 5 year old Pit Bully. Poor blind pup!! I bet he's sweet
Does that breed generally live that long?

here is my little(well he is 4.5 month and 35pounds now) basset. He is a rather homely dude now too. His main goal in life is to waddle from point A to point B with as many stops as possible and snooze whereever he can. Preferably on somebody sitting still more than 5 seconds, s in his eyes lapdog means any dog up to 75pounds.
ADD: Note the look of every ounce of diginity shredded?
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conny63malies, we had a basset hound a number of years ago. We ended up calling her "Speed Bump" for obvious reasons. Yours sounds a lot like her!

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