The Kitchen Table - come sit with us! new request added to post 1!


Building the Castle
11 Years
Nov 15, 2008
Martinez, CA
BYC is such a big place sometimes. And we love to come talk chickens.
But, we also love to come talk about pretty much anything else. So, sit a spell with us. Old friends, it's great to see you. New friends, pull up a chair. The table is big enough for everyone. (And strangely, it looks an awful lot like the one we carried out of the Castle.

Remember, though, there are children here, so keep it family friendly.

edited to add, I am now going to leave a note on the Table when I come through. Can you please read and answer my question? I want to get to know you all better. Thanks!


Note #1 post 182 - "Have you ever held an unconventional job? What was it? Why did you like it?"
Note #2 post 242 - "what is your all-time favorite tool, and what did you build with it?"
Note #3 post 295 - "What is your town like? Why do you like living there? Where did you live before this?"
Note #4 post 316 - "pens or pencils, and if pencils, then, mechanical or old-fashioned Ticonderoga No. 2"
Note #5 post 348 - "What was your favorite game as a child?"
Note #6 post 410 - "What is the most unbelievable experience you've ever had?"
Note #7 post 439 - "paper, or plastic, or do you bring your own reusable cloth bag?"
Note #8 post 460 - "What is your favorite thing about your yard or garden besides your chickens?"
Note #9 post 480 - "camping or motel? If you camp, tent or trailer. If you motel, motor lodge, or 5-star?"
Note #10 post 515 by jeaucamom
- "Which is your favorite season and why?"
Note #11 post 530 by jeacamom - ""If you had to lose a sense.. taste, touch, vision, hearing, sense of smell... which would it be and why?""
Note #12 post 567 - "Who does the dishes at your house, and is it a fair system?"
Note #13 post 597 - "What is the best vacation you've ever taken?"
Note #14 post 617 - "Vanilla or chocolate? Remember, this is really a false dichotomy."
Note #15 post 656 - "Do you do spring cleaning? And if you do, how crazy do you get with it?"
Note #16 post 678 by Princess Kumatora
- "You know how when you just flop on your bed and think, 'I'm just going to take a short nap' and then when you wake up it's 2 hours later? Does this happen to you?"
Note #17 post 697 - "What is the highest mountain you've ever climbed?"
Note #18 post 733 - "What flowers are blooming in your yard right now? (Or if you still have snow, what flowers are you looking for first?)"
Note #19 post 751 - "What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten for breakfast?"
Note #20 post 767 - "How do you celebrate Easter? And, what is the most memorable thing you ever did with your kids for the holiday?"
Note #21 post 781 by Maplesky7 - "When was the first time you watched a scary movie and what was it?"
Note #22 post 796 - "What birthday gift do you give a parent who wants nothing, needs nothing, and lives a very austere life?"
Note #23 post 825 - "Can you see the top of your desk? If so, what does it look like? If not, when was the last time you saw it?"
Note #24 post 869 by ibpboo - "Now, hmm whats for dinner?"
Note #25 post 913 - "If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?"
Note #26 post 936 - "How much sleep have you been getting lately?"
Note #27 post 964 - "Describe your weekend plans in 6 words."
Note #28 post 977 - "What's the last thing that you killed by accident?"
Note #29 post 989 - "What are the top 2 things that have been making your life crazy-busy lately?"
Note #30 post 999- "What are your summer plans?"
Note #31 post 1019 - "Would you consider you consider your bedroom a sanctuary or a wilderness?"
Note #32 post 1065 by Noncentzer
- "When driving, what is your greatest pet peeve?"
Note #33 post 1074 - "What is your tried and true way to get over a failed relationship?"
Note #34 post 1094 by Mamagardener
- "Note #34 - What do you want to do just once in your life before you die?"
Note #35 post 1114 - "What is the one thing you still want to do before the summer is over?"
Note #36 post 1160 - "What have you been doing to keep yourself as healthy as possible?"
Note #37 post 1169 - "How do you create solace for yourself? Is there a particular place in your world where you can decompress?"
Note #38 post 1177 - "What are your spring garden plans? Have you started yet?"
Note #39 post 1178 - "Do you have any plans this year that are particularly exciting to you?"
Note #40 post 1210 - "How many eggs do you have in your fridge (or on the counter) right now?"
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Pulling up a chair.....

embarrassed to admit I am crying over The Pince and ME 3 the honeymoon... such a ridiculous movie.. what in the world am I crying over.. geesh, I am such a sap.

Desperately hoping for sunny weather tomorrow so my DD and I can go on a long promised Hike.

Can't wait to sit a spell with friends!!

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So I find it fascinating that dogs will lick up chicken poo
(hope this isn't an unfriendly topic but I am sure we've all had kids going "eww, fido ate chicky poo!!").
I mean, ughhh blah! no dog kisses for me, but at the same time, I don't have to pick up poo...

Another funny thing is, the dogs are SCARED of baby chicks... they KNOW I will EAT them if they EAT my chickies...

LOL just funny
Yes, those dogs are just so happy that they got "snacks" they just can't wait to come in and give us kisses and see if we are proud of them for cleaning up the yard.
I have the best recipe for Lasagna... Italian sausage, 5 kinds of cheese... it is truly prizewinning!! What are you doing making lasagna at 10 pm???
Actually I'd be perfectly happy if my dog cleaned up the yard.

The last two days he's left me presents in the house.
It's supposed to thunderstorm tonight but guess what? He's staying OUTSIDE from now on!
He's gonna eat cheap Dog Chow and sleep in a dog house. No more pampered pet treatment for him. Hmp.
My 5 year old Sheltie never leaves presents under ANY circumstances. My older Pom rescue only does if she is not let out. And my 1 year old weiner dog only does when he is mad at me....

I have an appt on Weds cuz my hands and wrists have been killing me. Both my daughters have Ehlers Danlos syndrome which is a connective tissue disorder. Since they have different Dads, I am the common thread. I am wondering if something is really wrong with my joints...

Orp... Hope the surgery goes well for your friend!!
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