The McMurray Mystery


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
I got the McMurray 'Meat and Eggs' special with 15 birds plus one special chick. It's clear who the meat birds are, they eat like piggies, are twice the size of the others, and have all white feathers like the pictured Roaster bird on the website. But as far as the egg layers I am still trying to ID them. I have my suspicions of who is who, but there are a few I am stumped on! Can I have some help from the experienced chicken identifiers of the world? It's too early to tell the gender, but just to know the breeds would be great!


Black and white stripes that line up vertically. Barred Rock? The possible Mystery Chick?

Brown varied feather pattern. Fluffy head. Easter Egger?

Multicolored Buff, Black, and Brown feather. Black spot on head. No idea.
First chick X2 on the BR if single combed its feet are yellowish, they also have Cuckoo Marans if the feet are more white/pink. X2 second chick looks like an EE. Third chick could be one of the red egg layer birds, their RIR, production reds,etc, they often have really odd chick feathers to start out.
I am no expert by any means, since I just got my first chicks ever from McMurray five weeks ago...but I, too, got a "Special Assortment" from them and your yellow chick with the multi-colored feathers looks like one of the Pioneers they sent me. Is it bigger than the other chicks and very friendly/tame? Ours have been big since the first week and feathered out just like that. Supposedly, they're a good dual purpose breed, but they scream MEAT BIRD to me as they grow up. I didn't really want meat birds, but the hens are supposed to lay XL brown eggs, so I'm going to keep them around as long as possible.

The first one, I would say is Barred Rock, though someone threw a kind in my decision by reminding me that it could be a Black Star as well!!!

The other brown bird looks similar to my Brown Leghorns--they're really flighty, early to feather in, and look really "sleek" compared to the others. Not sure I'm right on that one--could be an EE, like the other poster mentioned.

Have fun--I'm loving being a chicken owner WAY more than I thought I would and I've had ZERO problems with my McMurray chicks so far--I realize they must be "hatchery grade," for whatever that means, but I can't complain at all yet!

Ooo. A cuckoo marans would be cool! The more I look at the second picture I'm in agreement that I could have two little EE's. I'll also mention that the bird in the third picture is quite large, almost the same size as the white roaster birds. Thanks!
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How old are your chicks? I have a 5 1/2 week old "McMurray mystery chick" that looked very similar to your second chick until about a week ago. Then it suddenly got a lot of black & gold in its coloring. I was wondering if it could be an ee. I keep trying to upload a pic but I'm having technical difficulties.
My McMurray mystery chick was a Silver Spangled Hamburg. She's about a year old now and the sweetest littlest thing ever. She jumps on my shoulder whenever I lean down and talks to me whenever she sees me. <3
How old are your chicks? I have a 5 1/2 week old "McMurray mystery chick" that looked very similar to your second chick until about a week ago. Then it suddenly got a lot of black & gold in its coloring. I was wondering if it could be an ee. I keep trying to upload a pic but I'm having technical difficulties.

Oh my wow, never seen such pronounced spurs on a chick so young before! Has dark legs from what I see. If they are black, I would say he is not an easter egger...

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