The movie "Fresh"


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
We watched this last night. One of the best documentary films I have ever seen. It really gets one to think about the whole structure of our food system. I know one thing, I am very glad that we have been producing a large portion of our food and buying locally.
Cool. Gotta find it on DVD.

Agreed. 'Food Inc.' was good.

So is 'King Corn'.

Definitely change the way you think about U.S. Food Industry.

I have been trying to find this on interlibrary loan and no luck. .
If willing to share I would be more than happy to pay for shipping fedex overnight and could have it back to you in a day.

I was able to find the polyface dvd and ripped it to my Ipod and converted it back to a dvd. Now I have it at hand for any questions on other animals.

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