The mysterious sitting hen


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 24, 2019
Boston Area, MA
My Coop
My Coop
One of my hens' behavior has been puzzling and worrying me for quite a while (at least a month, probably more). She's a 2-year-old Lemon Cuckoo Orpington. I noticed that she spent a lot of time sitting on the ground in the run. In the same general area, though not always the exact same spot. The flock likes to hang out in that area for group grooming sessions or just to relax, but they rarely sit on the ground the way they did when they were young. Now they just stand and preen themselves, or dust bathe, etc, then move on. But this girl... was just sitting. She seemed healthy otherwise - eating, drinking, pooping, laying, various body parts look fine, everything checks out. She gets up and comes over to me to check for treats, goes to eat whenever I throw something in the run, does all the normal things... but then goes back to sitting. I was worried that her legs might hurt her, or something, but she wasn't limping. I was so confused! It was out of character for her, and for chickens of that age in general, who don't spend a lot of time just sitting on the ground.

And then yesterday she took the next step and I realized what was going on. She was standing at the feeder eating when another hen came within her personal space, and this girl puffed up and gave her the broody screech. Then her voice broke and she proceeded to cluck the broody cluck for the rest of the day... while still hanging out outside! This has got to be the weirdest manifestation of broodiness I've ever seen! She has been broody before, but she did it properly - sat in the nesting box and all that. This time though... she forgot how it works. She spends more time not sitting than sitting, and when she sits, it's out in the open. And she's quick to get up and go check it out whenever anything of interest happens. She still lays eggs..... but has the broody voice and sits on the ground to worry me. I think my hen broke :lol:

Has anybody else had this kind of vague, half-a$$ed attempt at maybe possibly brooding but not really? I've heard of undecided broodies hopping nests, leaving the nests for too long, giving up then going back to it, etc. but there's always a nest involved and she's in it for at least some of the time. This girl only goes in the nest to lay and leaves, she does all her sitting out in the open....

Here she is, sitting all by herself:


Sometimes, her lookalike sister joins her, probably more for company than to actually brood with her. She doesn't spend long and gets up shortly after, but does occasionally sit with her for a bit, which is cute.

I only have baby chicks so I don't have as much experience with this compared to the person I'm raising the chicks for.... However, I own ducks and hey'll do that. Instead of in their house, they'll lay them in the pond or wherever on the ground.... They can be very messy with being broody. It might just be some weird broody behavior for her ... If anything gets worse, consult a vet or check her out and try to find the problem and treat it... You might have to giver her some extra vitamins if needed......Hope that helps! :thumbsup
I have a hen that does this all the time. In my case, the hen is essentially blind. I think mine sits down in the run a lot because she gets overwhelmed by all the constant activity of the others. It’s her way to tune out the noise, or not get bumped around so much. Mine sits a lot, but also gets up a lot to do normal chicken things. She’s been doing this for two years, so I’m not worried by it.

Mine isn’t making broody noises though…
She may not be fully broody yet.
Definitely not fully broody yet, but it's been more than a month and she isn't taking it to the next level... which is weird. But she's active most of the time, and eats and drinks normally, so I don't think there's any danger to her health, the way there would be if she was full-on broody for that long.
I have a hen that does this all the time. In my case, the hen is essentially blind. I think mine sits down in the run a lot because she gets overwhelmed by all the constant activity of the others. It’s her way to tune out the noise, or not get bumped around so much. Mine sits a lot, but also gets up a lot to do normal chicken things. She’s been doing this for two years, so I’m not worried by it.

Mine isn’t making broody noises though…
Makes sense if she's blind. Mine definitely isn't blind though. Nothing escapes her attention!
Definitely not fully broody yet, but it's been more than a month and she isn't taking it to the next level... which is weird. But she's active most of the time, and eats and drinks normally, so I don't think there's any danger to her health, the way there would be if she was full-on broody for that long.
As long as she's eating and drinking, I don't think there's anything to worry about.
As long as she's eating and drinking, I don't think there's anything to worry about.
Yep, the worry was before I realized she was (pseudo-) broody, and thought maybe she was sick or her legs hurt or something... I'll keep an eye on her just in case. She's my third broody at the moment... I'm running out of jail space!
Update: it's been 2-3 months since this started, and my hen isn't back to normal yet... though she never went fully broody either. It's the weirdest thing! She'll cluck the broody cluck some of the time, but then turn to me and talk to me in a normal voice (something real broodies don't do - once their voice breaks, that's it, they don't talk normal until they come out of their broody state). She still sits under her bush a lot of the time, but she also walks around and hangs out with the other chickens a lot, and - weirdest of all - she lays eggs!!! And never spends any extended periods of time in the actual nesting boxes, on actual eggs. She's eating and walking around enough where I don't think (I hope?) her health is in any danger, I'm just... confused. I have two actual broodies raising chicks with the flock right now, and even though they don't let her anywhere near their babies, she uses the broody cluck around them and tries to offer them food. Their presence is probably extending her weird half-broody state, so that's not helping. Chickens are weird.


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