THe pet store has chicks??!! NOOOOOooooooo

K&H Chicken Farm

11 Years
Feb 17, 2008
Redding CA
I just went to what I thought a safe trip to the pet store and as soon as we open the door we could here them. "We have hatching eggs" I tell the kids..."We have esater money" they tell me as they run off to find them. As I get closer I see they have bantams, Japs and Cochins. Hmm, I would not mined havings some japs....."Ok kids pick out 3 japs each...OMG look at those fuzzy little feet!!!!"
I was lost there where 2 little blue cochins and they did need friends....we ended up with 6 japs and 7 chochins..
How can you resist??
Well, I guess you didn't!! you have it bad!!
Have fun with all those fuzzy butts, and good luck with the hatching.
The owner of the petstore where I used to work has chicks sometimes. Her DH raises tons and tons of Games and he brings in extra chicks when he doesnt need them. I went in there once and saw them and she said, "You want a couple?" How could I say no to that?! When I worked there he offered to give me a bunch of extra pullets he didnt want, but I never got around to it. Best broodies in the world and I passed them up.
The pet store was a local owned here that has carried chicks in the past, but they had moved to a smaller shop and I did not think they would still carry them! LOL at $3.75 each what I bought killed the bank!

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