The Royal Diary of Queen Jolie Blonde "Ruler of the Roost"


7 Years
Apr 9, 2012
in the coop
This is going to be a journal kept by my head chicken, "Joile Blonde". She is a refined buff orp. who is very loud and likes
herself a lot. She will dictate this to me and I will write here daily. She believes this will make her famous on this,
"Amazing bright picture", (computer). (Really, I thought this would be a cute idea because I already have a journal on BYH and I always like to make up little stories about the world through my hen's eyes.) So please sit in your fancy chairs and listen to
the Queen of the Coop as she tells about life in her palace. (coop!)

whatever is in ( _ ) is what I say.
~Dear Diary~
Day 1; {the first day I get to right in my diary!}

Dear Diary,
I shall explain my History and some important facts. I am a royal Queen who leads the kingdom of hens. I have rightly gotten back the throne from lowly lola.(A hen of mine that got pecked up bad by Jolie) I now rule it till my sister, Princess Penelope,
(Her twin sister), is ready to rule. I am a dignified Buff Orpington who has a maid (me) who fills my feeding & watering bowls.
I prim my feathers daily and protect my kingdom from the high tower. (roost) I will include a picture of my excellency later.

The symbol of my Kingdom:

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