The royal wedding of Diana's son and kate

The cost of the Royal wedding was paid to ten thousand people who played small and large roles- the florists, the dressmakers, the hatmakers, the people who built, oiled and repaired the vehicles, the security personnel... a lot of people were fed by this wedding. And that doesn't count the huge indirect earnings, the people manufacturing and selling souvenirs, the photographers, the stores that sell photo gear, the bus and train and airline companies that transported people to the wedding... it's a huge economic boost for England.

So, if you are married, did you forgo your wedding to donate the cost to African kids instead? Everyone is entitled to a wedding according to their means. Poor folks have simple weddings, rich/royal folks have expensive weddings. Big deal. They paid for it (the taxpayers are only footing the bill for the Security). Seems fair to me. Not to mention instead of gifts, they asked for charitable donations, which is well over a million and a half dollars so far, and William is extensively involved in various charities. And who knows how many people now will be inspired by the concept of charity donations at weddings now, instead of gifts, so the benefits to charities in the future may be more than we'll ever know.

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw. I wished I could see more, but I was only able to watch the Royal Wedding Highlights on BBC (my daughter just asked "are you watching it again?!"). What tradition! How beautiful!

I remember watching Princess Diana and Charles getting married when I was a little girl. I would say more, but my messages get too long and wordy.

I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed watching, and seeing all of the tradition - all of the horses, and the carriages, and the architecture of the buildings! Wow!!! Oh, and Harry is sure turning into a handsome young man, too!
I read somewhere today that the cost of the wedding was $16 million, and the dollars that were brought in by tourism was $100 million. In addition, the couple did not accept any gifts, they requested that donations be made to local charities.

So stop the hating.
It is sad that on a happy day like yesterday, for some people, those affected by the hurricanes, there was tragedy. We should always be mindful of that i think.

We thoroughly enjoyed the wedding. It was just the right balance of state occasion and private family wedding. Luckily, even the weather held out.

It is impossible to describe the relationship between the monarch and her loyal subjects except to liken it to a family relationship. I think that during the war, the King and Queen, staying on in London, despite the bombing, and refusing to allow their children to be evacuated to Canada which is what the government wanted, made people look upon them as parents, who would in some way make everything alright. During the worst air raids, the King and Queen went out amongst the people and showed their solidarity with them. That will never be forgotten. Anyone who has seen 'The King's Speech' will recognise how hard the King worked so that his words could be a strength and an inspiration to the people. It is deeper than that though, because it is repeated time and again through history when the King's call has rallied the people to his side. Some sort of tribal memory I suppose.

The Queen is a serious person, and was a serious child. She was brought up by Queen Mary, the dowager Queen, a stickler for protocol, and doing one's duty! She has been Queen for a very long time and is 85. Next year is her 60 year anniversary and the people will be out in force again to celebrate her long years of faithful service, and show their love for her, who, rather like a severe maiden aunt, you love because she is after all, your rather severe maiden aunt!

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