the sex of ur babies how do u tell?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 15, 2010
I was just wondering generally if there is a way to tell if u have boys or girls in chicks and roughly what age can you tell? Thanks Im new to this chook business so any help would be appreciated. A new chook addict. Ta;)
My roos feather a little more slowly then my hens of the same breed.... It is NOT a hard and fast rule though. Sometimes you just have to wait until they crow or lay an egg!!! LOL
I have a couple of EE's that are 8 weeks old and I'm still not sure.
But there are some people on here that can probably help you. good luck
thanks for being so quick! we have 3 3month old chicks 2 are crowing the 3rd seems to be a girl, Im hoping so, for the eggs! some of my inherited chooks are a bit sad in the egg laying department, though its cold here right now! One of the roosters is a lot more developed and hes showing alot of interest in the old girls (isa browns) what age can they mate?
Sexing depends on the breed and with some you can't be sure for a long time, but usually around 5 or 6 weeks, it becomes pretty clear. If you could post pictures, several people should be able to help at 3 months. This link might help. Clear head shots help, but I find full body side shots, showing feet to head, more helpful.

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Mating age varies quite a bit with the individual. There are several factors involved. It is not just physical maturity. He also has to mature sufficiently that the hen will accept him as a potential father to her children. Some hens have higher standards than others. With the personalities of two individuals involved, it gets complicated. It varies by breed and individual, but I think most roosters are physically capable of mating and fertilizing the eggs at around 16 to 18 weeks old, but most hens will not accept a rooster that young. I have had roosters as young as 10 weeks try to mate with pullets the same age. The pullet was definitely not ready.
The 3 month old chooks are sussex cross silkie, we got them from a pet shop. So I guess hes a bit young, though as they are the only roosters around some of the hens dont seem to mind. He is definately th more developed and more dominant of the two and the only chook he hasnt taken on is the matriac Maude she prob has got something else in her as well shes bigger then the other isla browns. Its winter here so I dont think anything will happen tell spring. Do you know if bantams can mate with larger chooks?

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