I just got some chicks from a fellow 5 Old English Game Bantams 1 japanese Black tail and 1 buff cochin. The are so calm! Im very pleasently surprised.
Last year our chicks ees brs silkies were skittish and ran from us all when we would try to pick them up but these just let us scoop them up and fall asleep in our hand.
Is this normal for these breeds? or are they scared stiff LOL
Last night we got the JBT thats about 6 weeks old, the BC thats about 4 weeks old and 2 Mille fluer OEGB 4 weeks old. well I felt I NEEDED some of the blue OEGB and went back for them they are 2 weeks old, I was a little afraid the older ones would pick at the younger ones but no I put the blue OEGB in the brooder they looked at them like huh where did you come from then all layed down together under the lamp for a nap
Now hopefully all will go this smoothly when they move outside to the big coop!!
Ill get pics up as soon as I find some batteries around here! kids and the wii controller use up all the batteries in the house!
Last year our chicks ees brs silkies were skittish and ran from us all when we would try to pick them up but these just let us scoop them up and fall asleep in our hand.
Is this normal for these breeds? or are they scared stiff LOL
Last night we got the JBT thats about 6 weeks old, the BC thats about 4 weeks old and 2 Mille fluer OEGB 4 weeks old. well I felt I NEEDED some of the blue OEGB and went back for them they are 2 weeks old, I was a little afraid the older ones would pick at the younger ones but no I put the blue OEGB in the brooder they looked at them like huh where did you come from then all layed down together under the lamp for a nap
Now hopefully all will go this smoothly when they move outside to the big coop!!
Ill get pics up as soon as I find some batteries around here! kids and the wii controller use up all the batteries in the house!