Their first full night outside


11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
Southern Indiana
How did you all handle it?
My chicks are having their first all night outside in their coop.
I have gone out to check on them at midnight again at 3 am. and I just got back in from checking on them again at 5am.
UUGH! Its as bad as when my kids first slept all night. worry worry worry!!
i, too, checked on my chicks all night long their first few nights outside. i actually still do, sometimes, and they wake up and look at me like i am crazy!!!
When I have new birds outside for the first night I too check on them. I continue to check on them for the next week or two. Finally my wife will talk me out of going out there. She assures me they are alright, and most of the time she is right.

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