Thermostat in the coop


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Fulton, KY
I'm planning out my coop design and had the idea of putting in a thermostat to control a heat lamp or other heating device in the winter to keep it warm enough for the ladies to keep laying without leaving it on full time using expensive electricity.

Has anyone here ever done this? What did you use for a thermostat and how well does it work? Could you also use the same thermostat to control a ventilation fan in the summer to keep it cool (relatively speaking)?


Big Charlie
You would want to have the thermostat trigger a contactor, motor starter, or relay, and then use it to power the heat lamp and fan assembly.
You would want to set it up so you can use manual switches after the relay to choose one or the other in winter and summer, since the temp range will be so extreme.
If you really want a thermostat, why not use one of those preset thermostatic plug cubes you can get for heat tape etcetera? You might have to ask around a bit and endure some "huh?" and blank looks, but there are several models on the market. Try Home Depot type stores and farm stores, anywhere that heat tape is sold. The only thing is, make sure they can handle the wattage of a heat lamp, I dunno for sure about that.

But frankly I think it would be infinitely simpler just to use a timer, or a lower-wattage bulb such that they can cluster under it if they're cold or wander off if they're not.

Good luck,

I believe you would want something that you can set the cut in and cut off temp. setting, I don't know for sure but the "cubes" may not allow you to do that.

My post above wasn't very descriptive I know, but my general idea is to allow you to set a thermostat like you would in your house, and the manual switches would allow you to choose heat/cooling depending on winter or summer.

In the winter you would have your heat come on at say... 45 and cut off at 55 or so, but in the summer you would want your fan to come on for cooling at say 85 or so.

It would really be pretty inexpensive to set that type of system up.

I quit really thinking about this system for myself because I decided to go with one of the electric radiator oil filled heaters, which has it's own thermostat, so now I'll just need to do the fan for summer, with a single thermostat or maybe even a pancake.
the plug one is called a thermocube. i use one for my heater and waterer. they come with different temp settings. you can not adjust it. mine is on at 35 and off at 45. I have not given them any extra light ant they havn't slowed down laying. i got mine online it was less than $20 including shipping.
Ok...that Thermocube would be infinitely easier to setup than a regular thermostat, and then just swap it out for a 78 degree one in the summer for a fan. Nice.

Big Charlie
Hey Big Charlie: I'm new to chickens, but am a licensed electrician. I'll draw you a basic schematic for wiring a thermostat for heating, and a separate one for cooling. I'll e-mail it to you. It's real easy to do. Not too expensive either. Take care, Mike

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